Wednesday, 5 December 2007


First, we examine with concrete examples drawn from my own design intervention how your CONCEPT may be FORMULATED in your final presentation to the client (as a BLOG publication: short and to the point).


Design Concept:
Unlike in Museums, where artefacts are presented and interpreted within specific but 'closed' closed categories: geographic location, art historical period, style, etc., this exhibition concept aims to present OBJECTS IN DIALOGUE, across cultural differences, in order to promote understanding across and between cultures.
Thus, in the proposed display of MASKS — TRIBAL, HINDU and CHRISTIAN — masks are juxtapposed in sequences which invite visitors not just to admire the OBJECTS as Art Objects/Artefacts (for their formal properties alone), but in such a way as to invite visitors to consider their significance as CULTURAL ARTEFACTS or as ANTHROPOLOGICAL OBJECTS, and to explore the relationship between the different CULTURES and VALUES which produced them.

This approach is informed by the visual strategy I developed in my 'Museographies' series, which converges with some changing trends within contemporary Anthropology; in particular the papers presented at the CULTURE & CULTURES conference, organized by the Musée d'Ethnographie de Genève (Geneva, MEG, 2007)


Design Concept:
With a great economy of means, the poster illustrates how the display stages OBJECTS IN DIALOGUE with each other; replacing static showcasing with dynamic performances.
An alternative concept or title for the Display (on the poster) could be 'OBJECTS IN PERFORMANCE'.

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